Monday, January 24, 2011

New Leaf

Shackles are free... Bonds are broken...
What is life to me?
I've been treating life
As if its a curse
As if its my enemy

What is the true meaning of life?
Life is a gift
A gift from above
A gift from God

From this 
Very day
Very hour
Very minute
From this very s.e.c.o.n.d.
I'm gonna live my life to the fullest

Every time
I've made the people around me
Worry about me
About my stupid lil' problems
From now on
I'm not gonna be so selfish anymore
I will never ever pull people down with me ever again

Every time
When I say I am alone
I've forgotten of the one true friend
Who has never left me
That very friend
is the one and only
Jesus Christ

From this moment
I would live my life to the fullest
I would not waste my precious time tat God gave me
On things that don't really matter

I'm the light and salt of the world
And I would show His love
Through my actions
Through my life
And let myself be a living testimony
Of the love and grace of God
And let the whole world know
The one true God that has never left me
The one true God whose always with me
Guiding me
Through the storm 
And raging seas

From this moment on
I would only live for Him
My God Almighty

People always say that I'm emo
You know what?
Emo is never ever gonna be in my dictionary ever again

I would still be down at times
But there's nothing I can do about it
So it's better to just
Move On...

And people always say
That I keep my feelings to myself
This quote in one of my favourite novels will tell you why:

"I always channel my emotions into my work, that way, I would not hurt anyone but myself..."
- Cinna, The Hunger Games -

Now you guys know why...

Like I've said
I'm living my life to the fullest now
And I'm living for my heavenly Father

My shackles are off
My bonds broken

I've finally seen
the break of dawn...

I'm finally

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